Virtual Library Card

Fitzgerald Public Schools is fortunate to partner with the Warren Public Library and the Suburban Library Cooperative to offer some free services to all of our students. All students will have access to free eBooks, online tutoring help, and other resources that will assist your child in their learning. FPS is working with the Warren Public Library to meet the ConnectED Challenge, which encourages libraries to collaborate with elected officials, school leaders, and school librarians to create or strengthen partnerships so that every child enrolled in school has a public library card.
If your child already has a Warren Public Library card, he or she is all set and needs to do nothing further. If your child does not have a card to the Warren Public Library, he or she will be issued a virtual library card automatically. This service is for all of our students, regardless of what city they reside in. To access the virtual library card, please use:
Barcode: (FIT + your child’s FPS Student ID Number) XXXXXXXXX
Pin Number: (Child’s birth month and date) XXXX
The Barcode and Pin Number are unique to each student. Please keep this information in a safe place for future reference.
Both the regular and virtual library cards give your child access to: connect with a professional tutor online to receive help with difficult homework problems (12:00 pm – 12:00 am everyday)
Electronic reference sources including encyclopedias that can be used for writing school papers
eBooks and eAudiobooks
Use of the library’s public computers featuring Office applications and internet access
Ability to register for library programs and reading clubs
To upgrade your child to a full-access, regular library card, you must be a Warren City resident with proof of address and photo identification. Full access will allow your child to select from thousands of items in the library’s collections and more. The library also offers important resources to assist you and your child throughout the school year. For more information accessing your account, please visit your local library.
Since the virtual library card is through the Warren Public Library, students will have access to their full catalog of eBooks. If you would prefer that your child not receive a virtual library card, please contact the Main Office where your child attends.
We look forward to this partnership with the Warren Public Library and the opportunities it will provide for our students!
My Virtual Library Card Program
Fitzgerald Public Schools and the Warren Public Libraries are partnering together to meet the ConnectED Library Challenge. The goal is for every child enrolled in school to have a public library card.
How the Partnership Works
Students who already have a public library card are ready to go!
Every student without a library card has been automatically issued one using their FPS school ID as their card number.
Students should visit the Warren Public Library website to access a wide variety of resources.
Student are given a virtual library card regardless of the city they reside.
Students and teachers will have access to online books, magazines,, and much more!
What Students and Teachers Get connect to a professional tutor online to receive help with difficult homework problems (12 pm-12 am daily)
Electronic reference sources including encyclopedias that can be used for writing school papers.
Free use of the library's Wi-Fi and public computers
Access is Only the Beginning
Encouraging students and faculty to use the resources of the public library is a critical part of the success of the program
Regular communication between educators and librarians will help public libraries better respond to student homework assignment needs.
Public library summer reading and education programs help participating students maintain or increase grade and reading.
• If you have questions about your student login or would like to disable the account, please contact the main office of the school building the child attends.
Our Warren Public Library Branch
Dorothy Busch Library Branch
23333 Ryan Road
Warren, MI 48091